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Russia Adds Putin’s Former Prime Minister to ‘Foreign Agent’ List

Russia Adds Putin’s Former Prime Minister to ‘Foreign Agent’ List

Russia’s Justice Ministry has recently added Mikhail Kasyanov, who previously served as President Vladimir Putin’s first prime minister before becoming one of his opponents, to its register of “foreign agents.” This move comes as Russian law allows for individuals and organizations receiving funding or support from outside of the country to be designated as foreign agents. However, the term “foreign agent” carries negative implications that can undermine the credibility of those designated.

This law has been frequently utilized to target opposition figures and independent news media. Additionally, it requires materials published by designated individuals or organizations to include a prominent disclaimer indicating their foreign agent status.

According to the ministry’s website, Kasyanov has been added to the list because he allegedly participated in the creation and dissemination of messages and materials from foreign agents to a wide audience, spreading false information about decisions made by Russian public authorities and their policies. It is also stated that he opposed the special military operation in Ukraine. Russia Adds Putin’s Former Prime Minister to ‘Foreign Agent’ List

Kasyanov’s Political History

Kasyanov assumed prime minister in 2000 after Putin’s as president and served until 2004 when he was dismissed. During his tenure, he played a key role in implementing economic reforms. Including the adoption of a flat income tax in Russia.

Upon leaving office, Kasyanov became a prominent figure in the opposition and even attempted to run for president in 2008. Unfortunately, his candidacy was rejected by the national election commission.

In recent years, Kasyanov has somewhat faded from the public eye as Russia’s opposition faced increasing arrests and repressions. After Putin’s decision to send troops into Ukraine in February 2022. Kasyanov left the country and it has been reported that he is currently residing in Latvia.

While the addition of Mikhail Kasyanov to Russia’s “foreign agent” list may further restrict his activities and influence. It is a continuation of the government’s ongoing efforts to control opposition voices and independent media. This development highlights the political climate in Russia and the challenges faced by those who dare to oppose the regime.

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